In addition to the parent brand, I creative direct all project and pitch work for UnitedHealthcare, Optum and Harken Health. The most exciting project came when we were asked to completely reinvent the member experience for the 70 million members of UnitedHealthcare. Okay, maybe they didn’t actually use the word “reinvent” but that’s what our research told us was needed.
So, we crafted over 140 high fidelity wireframes and engaged in several rounds of user testing to pressure test the new architecture we were proposing. We went on to create and test three design directions. The final concept was refined and expanded in response to survey feedback. We designed for multiple breakpoints. We built demonstration animations in Adobe After Effects (see video below) a style guide and motion guides to make sure the front-end developers would hit the mark. We navigated budget, timeline, stakeholder and content strategy challenges. Finally, development sprints were underway and the project was nearing completion when our unstoppable enthusiasm encountered an immovable obstacle. A new CMO who put the project on hold. None the less, I’m still pretty proud of the work.
Creative Team
- Creative Direction / Todd Zerger
- Design / Amy Martin + Paul Bastyr + Ryan Michlitsch
- UX / Tony Madson
Creative Direction
High fidelity wireframes
My favorite quote from user testing ever was in response to these immaculate wireframes by Tony Madson. A participant said "I love the new website... it could use a bit more color though." These wires were that tight.
Creative Direction
Creative concepting phase
Leading a team of three visual designers we considered photographic and illustrative options, tile-based and full-width options and many other ways to connect with a target audience that can accurately be described as "everyone".
Creative Direction
Responsive Layouts
Before "mobile-first" was a mantra we were discovering that for many people a smartphone is their primary or only method for accessing healthcare accounts.
Creative Direction
Style Guide
UHC's internal engineering team was handling development so we built a classical style guide to support the collaborative, component-based development approach.